• Ladie's Day 4/6/2024
  • The Hired Help. Ladie's Day 4/6/2024
  • Superstition Mountain from the top of Silly Mountain looking east
  • Phoenix from the top of Silly Mountain looking west
  • Royal Horned Lizard
  • Roadrunner
  • Mourning Dove nest in a cholla cactus
  • Superstition Mountain
  • Red Mountain, Phoenix
  • Joshua Tree
  • Death Valley
  • Mourning Dove on her nest, Sedona AZ
  • Sedona Congregation
  • Montezuma's Well
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • VBS June 2023
  • Ladies' Luncheon 5-9-23
  • Ladies' Luncheon 5-9-23
  • Ladies' Luncheon 5-9-23
  • Ladie's Tea 3-11-2023
  • Ladie's Tea 3-11-2023
  • Ladie's Tea 3-11-2023
  • Ladie's Tea 3-11-2023
  • Ladie's Day 2/25/2023
  • Ladie's Day 2/25/2023
  • Ladie's Day 2/25/2023
  • Ladie's Day 2/25/2023
  • Ladie's Day 2/25/2023
  • Ladie's Day 2/25/2023
  • Ladie's Day 2/25/2023
  • Veteran's Sunday 11-13-2022
  • Veterans Past and Present 11-13-2022
  • Veteran's Sunday 11-13-2022
  • VBS 2022 Super Heros of Faith
  • VBS 2022
  • VBS 2022 Super Heros of Faith
  • VBS 2022 Super Heros of Faith
  • VBS 2022 Super Heros of Faith
  • VBS 2022 Super Heros of Faith
  • VBS 2022 Super Heros of Faith
  • VBS 2022 Super Heros of Faith
  • Superstition Mountains site of The Lost Dutchman Mine
  • Game Night
  • Game Night
  • Orange blossom time
  • The lesser light to govern the night. Genesis 1 v 16
  • Tortured trees at the Grand Canyon
  • Wednesday Bible Study
  • Smoke Plume, Woodbury Wildfire, Superior AZ 2019
  • Joshua Trees
  • Smoke Plume: Telegraph Wildfire, Superior AZ 2021
  • Snow on the Superstition
  • Sedona f'rom 8500' Flagstaff Mt in the background
  • Even ducks find a way
  • Sonoran Desert
  • Glorious Morning
  • VBS 2021
  • The fields are white unto the harvest
  • Into the wilderness
  • And there was evening.... Genesis 1 v5
  • Matthew 4 v1 Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness
  • When Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud covered it. Exodus 24 v15
  • "...whoever drinks of the water that I will give shall never thirst:" John 4 v14
  • Psalm 24 The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.
  • Narrow is the way that leads to life. Matthew 7 v14
  • ...and there was morning, one day. Genesis 1 v5
  • God said... Let the dry land appear. Genesis 1 v9.
  • God called the dry land earth. Genesis 1 v10
  • The earth brought forth vegetation... and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1 v12.
  • And God made... everything that creepeth upon the earth after its kind. Genesis 1 v25
  • There went a mist up from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. Genesis 2 v6
  • The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet. Isaiah 14 v7




October 20, 2024




"Faithful to The Word"

Acts 14:23



"Living What We Believe"

Colossians 3:1-8









Kathy S


Greeting, Scripture, Prayer

Richard Randlett



Bruce England

Pete Hawthorne

Song Leader

Andy Seaver

Riley Harrison

Pete Hawthorne

Riley Harrison

Communion Talk

Bruce England

Richard Randlett





Unleavened bread

Manny Figueroa

Bruce England



Ray Watson

Fruit of the Vine

Roger Brush



Joe Whitner

Richard Randlett


Ray Watson

Roger Brush

Ray Watson

Bruce England


Joe Whitner

Joe Whitner

Joe Whitner

Joe Whitner

Closing Prayer


Pete Hawthorne

Andy Seaver

Richard Randlett

Andy Seaver




Church of Christ Disaster Relief Effort (CCDRE)

Anyone wishing to contribute personally to the Disaster Relief Effort, please give your donation to Linda McWilliams.  Last Sunday, those who attended the congregational meeting made the decision to send a donation from the congregation.  Feel free to speak to Pete Hawthorne if you have any questions.  The Effort is sending supplies to hurricane and tornado victims in several states on the East Coast.  As a result, hundreds of Bible studies are being set up and conducted.  Again, thank you for your prayers and support as the brotherhood reaches out to help, and to God be All the Glory!



“We can be right in our position but wrong in our disposition.” (unk; Eph. 4:15)



"Spiritual death happens one compromise at a time."
(unknown;  Prov. 25:26; 1 Jn. 2:15-17)


Satan may be winning a bunch of

battles right now,

but make no


God wins the war.




“God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could learn in no other way.”

  ~ C.S. Lewis


“God, please make my days useful, my nights restful, my home peaceful, and my efforts fruitful.”  ~ unknown
“So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
 ~ Col. 1:10



I would challenge you to live in the grace of God on a daily basis.  It is sufficient for all of our struggles, and it is an answer to all of our adversity.  Thanks be to God for His sufficient grace.
~ Bro. Wayne Jones



There are more broken-hearted people in our church pews than we’ll
ever know.  So, the words we use in teaching, basic communicating, greeting, and preaching, must be hope-driven. 

Bro. Jon Warnes

See Romans 15:13




Inscription on John Wayne’s tombstone

“Tomorrow is one of the most important things in life.  Comes into us at midnight very clean.  It’s perfect when it arrives, and it puts itself into our hands.  It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.”



John 13:34 (“they will know us by our love”)

 Heb 10:23–25 (“encourage one another”)


"I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection.  Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business."

Michael J. Fox


"Our worst days are never so bad that we’re beyond the reach of God’s grace,

and our best days are never so good that we’re beyond the need of God’s love.”

~ Author Unknown, contributed by Joe Whitner


"Concern for someone else is a good remedy for taking the

mind off one's own troubles."



No God.  No hope.  Know God.  Know hope.

No God.  No peace.  Know God.  Know peace.



"Worshipping together is a unifying process, and time spent together outside of the worship setting

contributes to growth in our relationships with each other."



“Life becomes easier and more beautiful when

we can see the good in other people.”     ~ Roy T. Bennett


Wash your hands and say your prayers,


Germs and Jesus are everywhere.



It’s never a mistake when God is your first love.

It’s only a mistake when He is not.

Matt 22:37–38, Rev 2:1–4, Matt 6:33

Bro. Jon Warnes


On your best day, you are a child of God.

On your worst day, you are a child of God.

                                   ~ Bro. Jon Warnes



Dear Lord, please put your arm around my shoulders

and your hand over my mouth.


 (All home page photos are the property of Peter Hawthorne)